Tuesday, June 9, 2015

Mary Chesnut, April 1861, Charleston Harbor

Mary Chesnut, April 1861, Charleston Harbor,
10.2009, ink and gouache on paper

"I do not pretend to go to sleep. How can I? If Anderson does not accept terms–at four–the orders are–he shall be fired upon. 
I count four–St Michael chimes. I begin to hope. At half-past four, the heavy booming of a cannon.
I sprang out of bed. And on my knees–prostrate–I prayed as I never prayed before.
There was a sound of stir all over the house–pattering of feet in the corridor–all seemed hurrying one way. I put on my double gown and a shawl and went, too. It was to the housetop."
--Mary Chesnut, diary entry; Charleston, South Carolina; April 12, 1861